Meet Nohora Muñoz, member of a family business led by women that started over 10 years ago in a small town in Colombia. On 2016, her husband accepted a job offer in Edmonton which led her and her kids to follow path. Being a member of such an incredible and unique jewelry business such as Monarca, she had to take advantage of the opportunity to introduce it to Edmonton. However due to her lack of experience in business, she decided to participate in Action for Heathy Communities’ entrepreneurship support program (ESP) to gain those necessary skills to succeed and have a profitable business in this new market.

Starting the ESP in spring 2021, she was able to learn how to register her business in Alberta, gained valuable connections and business skills and is now frequently participating in local farmer markets around the city where people have been more than welcoming to the originality of their creations.

To get more information on where she’ll be next visit the Monarca website at

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