AHC offers Adult Literacy and Skills Development (ALSD) learning opportunities to learners (Age 18+). Learning opportunities support the development of essential skills for daily life and employment.

Apply here to join one of our classes for Winter 2025


Learning Opportunities:

English Language Learning (English Level 1-4)  (online/in-person/hybrid classes):

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English
  • Be able to understand basic English and make simple conversations
  • Enable learners to express themselves with confidence in the workplace

Course Schedule and Registration Forms:

Level 1:

  • Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 to 8:00pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Level 2:

  • Monday & Wednesday 6:00 to 8:00 pm
  • Wednesday & Friday 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Level 3:

  • Monday and Wednesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

English for Work and Business:

  • Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.



Basic Computer Literacy (BCL)  (Level 1-2) (online/in-person/hybrid classes):

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn and practice basic computer digital skills and electronic devices
  • Be able to master basic digital skills for daily life and employment
  • Enable learners to use Email, the Internet, social media and Microsoft Office

Course Schedules with Registration Forms:

BCL Level 1:

  • Monday & Wednesday | 6-8 PM
  • Tuesday & Thursday | 6-8 PM

BCL Level 2:

  • Tuesday & Thursday |  6-8 PM



Basic Health Literacy (online/in-person/hybrid classes):

Learning Objectives:

  • Navigate the federal and provincial healthcare system
  • Be able to know when and how to get medical services
  • Know basic knowledge about public health and primary health care

Part 1: From March to May 

  1. Introduction to Canada’s health care system
  2. Introduction to Alberta’s health care system
  3. Health Professionals – Doctors and Specialists
  4. Medications – Pharmacies and Drugs
  5. Paying for Health Services – Healthcare Insurance
  6. Dentistry and Optometry
  7. Public Health
  8. Immunizations
  9. Mental Health
  10. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  11. Healthy Environments
  12. Virtual or E-Health

Part 2: From September to December 

  1. Chronic Disease Management
  2. Minding Stress – Stress Management
  3. Healthy Eating and Food Safety
  4. Weight Management
  5. Stretching and Exercise
  6. Sleep Management
  7. Ergonomics and Posture
  8. Multicultural Health Practices
  9. Holistic Healing – Meditation
  10. Family Planning and Sexual Health
  11. Social Determinants of Health

Course Schedules with Registration

Every Wednesday, 6-8pm



Basic Legal Literacy (online/in-person/hybrid classes):

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about laws and the legal system in Canada
  • Understand your rights and responsibilities in society as a citizen
  • Know how and when to ask for legal assistance


  1. Introduction to Canada’s legal system
  2. Introduction to Alberta’s legal system
  1. Introduction to immigration law
  2. Police in Canada
  3. Legal identification and civic engagement
  4. Family Law, Parenting Time and Contact
  5. Family Law, Child and Spousal Support
  6. Family Law, Property Division
  1. Tenant rights
  2. Traffic laws and driving
  3.  Rights at Work
  4.  Wills and Estates
  5.  Debt and Bankruptcy
  6.  Suing People through a Civil Claim and the Small Claims Court
  7.  Intellectual Property

Course Schedules with Registration Form: (click here)

Every Tuesday, 6-8pm


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn basic knowledge about the Canadian financial system
  • Discuss saving strategies and how to be safe with money
  • Learn about insurance, credit cards, and investments
  • Understand debt, credit reports, income tax, and budgeting
  • Be able to deal with financial matters in daily life independently


  • Explore Your Relationship with Money
  • Budgeting
  • Income and Tax
  • Saving
  • Credit Basics
  • Credit Reporting
  • Debt
  • Consume
  • Investment
  • Insurance


Senior English for Beginners

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn basic English vocabulary and conversations for daily life
  • Enable learners to read, write, and listen to simple English sentences
  • Learn basic Canadian culture

Course Schedule with Registration Form:

Coming soon!

Basic Computer Literacy for Seniors

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain basic digital skills for computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices
  • Know how to type, email, search the internet
  • Communicate through social media such as WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook

Course Schedules with Registration Forms:

Multicultural Senior Digital Class Level 1:

  • Tuesday 2:30-4:30pm
  • Tuesday & Thursday 2-3:30pm

Multicultural Senior Digital Class Level 2:

  • Monday 11:30am-1:30pm
  • Tuesday & Thursday 2-3:30pm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Club (Online):

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn basic knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Understand the impacts of AI on our life
  • Create an AI culture
  • Prepare for AI in society and at work

Class Schedule: Every last Friday of the month 6:30 pm -7:30 pm

Workshop Schedules with Registration Form: (click here)

Program highlights:

  • Free Flexible Classes: Classes run on evenings and weekends. New learners are welcome to join the class on any day of the classes’ schedule.
  • Practical curriculum: Classes are designed to fit the needs of adult learners in their daily life and employment.
  • Dynamic teaching: Our certified teachers use learner-centered and digital tools to engage learners.
  • Diverse delivery: Classes are held in-person, online, and hybrid.
  • Welcoming Environment: We offer safe and inclusive learning environment for all learners.
  • Networking opportunities: Learners build relationships through class interactions, social events and volunteer opportunities.
  • Completion Recognition: Learners will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion after meeting the requirements of each class.

    For more information about the program, you may contact:

    Maria Lucila

    Phone Number: (780) 293-6865

    Email Address: maria.lucila@a4hc.ca