About the P.A.S.S Program

Participating in Arts, Sports, and Society (P.A.S.S.) is a project aimed at identifying and addressing barriers that prevent racialized youth (including newcomers) from accessing sports activities. Our goal is to work with various stakeholders to introduce racialized communities, including newcomers to new sports, promote the benefits of participating in sports and physical activities, connect them to available resources, and develop collective strategies to create a more inclusive environment. 

The PASS project aims to:
● Identify the barriers newcomers and racialized communities may face in participating in sports and physical activity.
● Facilitate collective sector conversation to address these barriers and develop strategies to work together.
● Help newcomers to know how to navigate the Canadian system and how to access the resources that are already available out there.
● Empower racialized youth to actively participate in sports and physical activities as it is an important means of integrating into society and feeling a sense of belonging.
● Raise sector awareness of racism and racial discrimination in sports.

Benefits of sports participation for youth:
● Teaches youth to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
● Gives positive social impact – communication with peers, team-building skills, etc.
● Builds participants’ self-confidence.
● Increases participants’ sense of belonging.

For more information on this program, contact Aisulu Abdykadyrova: aisulu.abdykadyrova@a4hc.ca


Dance Poster September 2024

Register for Dance for Newcomer Youth Here!

Boys soccer Septepmber 2024

Register for Boys Soccer 4 Newcomers Here!

[INSTAGRAM] Soccer Tournament 2024 Poster (1)

Register for Multisports 4 Newcomers Here!

In the Community Information Sessions (CIS) we provide the following information:
● How the sport system works in Edmonton and Alberta.
● How to get involved in certain sports and activities.
● Assistant programs that exist and how to apply for low-income families (e.g., KidSport Edmonton, JumpStart Canadian Tire Foundation).

At the CIS we also discuss and share your experience of facing different barriers in sport participation. We organize several sporting activities such as free try-out events and camps to introduce different sports.

For more information on this program, contact: Aisulu Abdykadyrova: aisulu.abdykadyrova@a4hc.ca