AHC is all about people and communities in action!


We are proud to serve and build community connections with:

  • Newcomers to Alberta and Canada, including immigrants, refugees, permanent residents and others
  • Ethno-cultural groups and organizations
  • Individuals and families from a wide range of socioeconomic, cultural or linguistic backgrounds

AHC is a member of the Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA) and works in a spirit of community development and partnership with numerous agencies and organizations in Alberta.

AHC is a registered charitable organization, incorporated under the provincial Societies Act. Donations are welcome, in support and recognition of our community-based programs and supports. Donations can be made quickly and securely through the trusted CanadaHelps.org website. Donate now.

Active individuals and groups committed to using their skills, knowledge, culture and values to build a stronger and healthier society.


AHC works with all people but especially with equity-deserving individuals and communities, to build their capacity to address the determinants of
wellbeing and prosperity.

As an organization, AHC will achieve its vision through steadfast adherence to its core values and principles:

Inclusion:  AHC is committed to inclusion through honouring and embracing diversity with humility and respect, to ignite and increase innovation, and drive smart decisions to promote a sustainably equitable society.

Collaboration: We strive to facilitate collective actions to drive proactive supports and developmental engagements aimed at moving people forward towards achieving impact and excellence together.

Participation: AHC is committed to foster participation to drive ownership of meaningful engagement and collective accountability.

Personal Development/Empowerment: AHC is dedicated to fostering personal development/empowerment through capacity development and strongly believes that continuous reflection and learning is essential for self-motivation and reaching potential.

Innovation and Excellence: AHC strives for a just and non-judgmental culture that respects people as individuals and paves the way to genuine learning and improvement. We seek to do good things well, to make a positive difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us.