The fourth quarterly Community of Practice session was held on November 30, 2024, with 15 community leaders in attendance. This interactive session provided an opportunity to reflect on the October 9 Building Inclusive Communities Forum. Participants shared valuable feedback about the forum’s impact and engaged in in-depth discussions about the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from their community initiatives. A significant focus of the session was on identifying strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of these projects.

The “Reflection and Experience Sharing” theme served as an excellent platform for community leaders to learn from one another, refine their approaches, and deepen their collective understanding. It highlighted the power of collaboration and shared knowledge in driving meaningful change.

Overall, the CoP has been instrumental in sustaining impactful community initiatives, ensuring they remain aligned with the broader community mission and vision. It continues to serve as a valuable resource for fostering growth, learning, and mutual support among community leaders.

In summary, we successfully completed four CoP sessions this year—three quarterly sessions and one large-scale Building Inclusive Communities event on October 9, 2024. We also saw a shift in leadership, as community leaders began taking ownership of the CoPs, including agenda-setting, topic selection, and session facilitation.

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