Benaiah says the ECALA funded Entrepreneurial Training Program has been a great experience. Read his testimonial below.

“When I attend class, I feel it was designed for me personally. I have learned so much.”

As a newcomer from South Sudan 17 years ago, Benaiah felt trapped working many dead ends and tough jobs which left him no control over his time and wages. He was looking to improve his quality of life by having the opportunity to spend more time with his two young children and play soccer. Fortunately, he found the Entrepreneurial Program which gives him hope that he will be able to establish a trucking business as he owns his own one-ton truck. Benaiah is learning how to run his own business, marketing, networking and making a part-time venture into the trucking industry.

“I am looking forward to the time when I can make a complete shift to working for myself full time”, said Benaiah.

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