Activities/EventsAHCAHC Stories

On November 2nd, the Children and Youth program at Action for Healthy Communities hosted its third Collective Action Forum at the Mill Woods Seniors Association. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including sports and community organizations, representatives from different levels of government, scholars, researchers, and youth involved in sports.  It provided a unique and valuable opportunity for stakeholders to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from one another.

Keynote speaker Shauna Booka, the CEO and President of Inclusion in Canadian Sport Network from Toronto, provided attendees with her expertise and regarding Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) related matters within the Canadian amateur sports industry.

CAF also invited a group of panelists to share their thoughts on sports inclusion. The panelists included Free Play Founder & CEO Tim Adams, Executive Director for Alberta Snowboarding Association Mo Walker, Director of Performance Development for Edmonton Track and Field Council Robyn Webster, CEO of Sport Edmonton Reed Clarke, Community Development and Social Impact for Sport Edmonton Ashley Prasad, and Executive Director for InMotion Network Lindsay Wright.

The forum facilitated insightful discussions on fostering more inclusive sports participation and addressing the barriers for underserved communities through a panel discussion, breakout sessions, a keynote speech, and roundtable conversations. Many participants expressed, both during and after the event, a desire for more opportunities like this to connect each other. 

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