On Saturday, December 14th from 1-4 pm, AHC hosted our annual year-end celebration, themed “Communities in Action”. This year’s event was sponsored by the City of Edmonton and held in collaboration with the YEG Ambassadors.

The event was a great success with approx 500 participants including staff, volunteers, participants and guest performers. The fun-filled afternoon included speeches from MLA- Edmonton Centre, David Shepherd and City Councillor – Ward 6, Scott McKeen. Global TV Edmonton was on-site to capture the fun and festivities.

We had a number of special performances including an all Mauritian ensemble, Lakota Tootoosis – Hoop Dance, the Jhankar Bits Dance Group, the Horan (Syrian) Heritage Band, Qipao Club Women’s Dance, and the Kurdish Children’s Dance Group.

Guests were treated to a wide variety of ethnic foods courtesy of several local restaurant owners and caterers representing the middle east, Africa and Asia.

Guests were also able to visit several booths on-site and answer fun trivia questions and win prizes. Overall, the family-friendly event served as a way to bring various community members together and provide the opportunity to mix-and-mingle. This event showcased that communities supporting each other and standing together results in success across the board in building and unleashing the power of the community we live in. Communities in Action Year-end celebration is a way to celebrate a running history of contributions and achievements within the community.

View images from the event below!

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