Activities/EventsAHC Stories

On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, AHC held its annual volunteer appreciation event at the AHC main office (downtown). This event was co-hosted by Michelle Luyimbazi (volunteer coordinator) and Rola Chehayeb (community development lead). The event brought together over 80 people including volunteers, community partner agencies, staff, and performers, who gathered in order to recognize and celebrate the enormous contributions that AHC volunteers and community partners provide to various areas of the organization (programming, administration, accounting, special events, children & youth programs, settlement services, entrepreneurial supports, English & Computer training among others). AHC was able to award 50 volunteers certificates of excellence based on volunteer hours totalling 30 or more in 2019.  Two volunteers ( Marilyn Scott and Farman Elahi) contributed more than 200 hours in 2019. There were also 50 certificates of appreciation given to several partner agencies including (Edmonton Food Bank, Santa’s Anonymous, Dickinsfield Amity House, One World One Centre, St. Francis Women’s LINC Program and more).  It was a great pleasure to share a meal, enjoy several performances from the AHC community, hear testimonies from volunteers, and acknowledge such a significant part of Action for Healthy Communities. In 2019 volunteers contributed more than 8000 volunteer hours towards various areas of the organization, and continue to play a vital role in the day-day operations of the agency. For more information on volunteering with AHC click here.

View images from the event below.