On Friday, February 10th, 2018 AHC held its annual volunteer appreciation event at the Central Lions Recreation Centre, hosted by Michelle Luyimbazi & Aminat Tijani. The event brought together over 100 people including: volunteers, community initiative groups, partner agencies, staff, and students gathered in order to recognize and celebrate the enormous contributions that AHC volunteers provide to various areas of the organization (programming, administration, accounting, special events, children & youth programs, settlement services). AHC was able to award volunteers certificates of excellence based on volunteers hours totalling 50 or more in 2017.  Three volunteers in the Syrian program ( Marilyn Scott, Niel Sawyers, Amal Monzer) contributed more that 500 hours in 2017. There were also awards given to several partner agencies (Edmonton Food Bank, Santa’s Anonymous, MacEwan School of Business and more), community initiative groups, and community leaders.  It was a great pleasure to share a meal, enjoy several performances from the AHC community, hear testimonies from volunteers turned staff members, and acknowledge such a significant part of Action for Healthy Communities. View images from the event below.