The Sports for Newcomers Initiative was an 8-month project in collaboration with the Commonwealth Games Association of Canada between August 2019-March 2020.
This initiative’s goal was to increase newcomer youth participation in community sports and address the barriers for newcomers to actively participate in sports activities, and to enhance the capacity of newcomer support organizations to continue to work on creating an inclusive and welcoming environment working with cross-sectoral partners.
During the 8-month period, some of the outcomes that were achieved during the project include:
- Facilitated partnership with various stakeholders and raised awareness of the importance of an inclusive and welcoming environment for newcomers.
- Connections to supporters and resources.
- The development of a comprehensive resource list and tools to continue supporting newcomer families and youth.
- Providing meaningful support and connection between families/youth in need and the resources so they were able to have the meaningful experience they never had.
As a result of the project over 200 newcomer youth were introduced to various sports including soccer, badminton, skating, and volleyball. Action for Healthy Communities connected with the City of Edmonton, Edmonton Sport Council, KidSport Edmonton, ParticipACTION, Dodgeball Canada, Volleyball Alberta, Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council, Capital District Minor Football Association, and Triathlon Alberta, in order to facilitate partnerships. Action for Healthy Communities continues to raise awareness of inclusive community sports for newcomer youth.