NOTICE: The ECRRC Project Has Formally Ended

Please be advised that the ECRRC project has ended on December 31st, 2021, and we are not able to accept any more requests for support at this time. If you are interested in learning about other resources in the community, please see the resources listed below.

COVID-19 Resources

Vaccine Support Resources

Fact Check on COVID-19

Have you heard a comment about COVID-19 that you want to fact check? Post your comment here and an AHS expert will provide accurate and up-to-date information to validate or debunk your post as fact or fiction:

Mobile Covid Vaccine Administration
Canada Homecare Group is a group of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses who can do house calls. Their services are completely free and they can also connect clients to a family doctor and administer the covid vaccine, flu shot and booster shot at home. To schedule an appointment with them, you can visit their website or call (780) 340-0910 (

Booking the Vaccination appointment and Covid-19 Record Retrieval
Vaccination appointments can be booked through AHS, a local pharmacy or administered at your doctors office. Visit the website below to book your appointment.


Food Support Resources

Edmonton Food Bank
There are 60 Food Bank depots, including two drive-up mobile depots, open in the Edmonton area and there is likely one in your neighborhood or very close to you – call the Foodbank at 780-425-4190 to find out your nearest depot and get signed up.

WECAN Food Basket
Affordable food basket that includes 2-3x of meat, fruits and vegetables monthly. Price is approx. $25 and there are depots located throughout the city. Delivery is not available.
Phone 780-413-4525 or

Gud Box/Khair for All Produce Box
Affordable produce box that includes a large variety of fruits and vegetables. Price is approx. $25 – $50. Available for pickup from Depots and Community Leagues throughout the City of Edmonton. Limited delivery service available. Orders are done online or over the phone. OR OR Call 780-469-1900.

Islamic Family & Social Services Association Essentials & Food Hamper Program
Essential Needs program provides support, resources and assistance. Halal food hampers.
Downtown location: #2-786, 10545 108 Street NW.
Phone their Helpline (10am – 10pm): 780-900-2777, email or visit

Phone – search for Food Resources Edmonton; – list of food services in Edmonton area. Can also call 211 for Mental Health and Financial Resources as well.


Income Support Resources

Bissell Centre – Community Bridge Program/Eviction Support

This program is free and confidential where you can talk with a social worker about your financial questions and problems. They can connect you with resources and information to help you iThe Community Bridge is a rapid response intervention to stop an eviction, disconnection or foreclosure. It is a one-time assistance program to be used as a last resort once all other options have been explored. Households working with Community Bridge need to be willing to explore with us all resources available to prevent their loss of housing. Phone Number: 780-423-2285 Email:


City of Edmonton – Financial Empowerment Program

This program is free and confidential where you can talk with a social worker about your financial questions and problems. They can connect you with resources and information to help you increase your financial security. Phone Number: 780-496-2800 Email:

Government of Alberta – Emergency Financial Assistance

If you are facing an unexpected emergency, you can apply for emergency financial assistance. You can get help when: A situation is caused by unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control, and it presents a severe health risk, and you cannot access other resources or wait until your next pay-cheque or Income Support benefit cheque. Phone Number: 1-877-644-9992 Email:



Mental Health Support Resources

The Support Network – Crisis Support Centre (24/7)

Crisis Intervention & Suicide Support: Phone 780-482-4357
Distress Line: 780-482-HELP (4357). Outside Edmonton? Rural Distress Line: 1-800-232-7288.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Experienced abuse? Are you contemplating suicide? Now is the time to talk about it. If you or someone you know is in crisis, you can call the Distress Line 24/7 and we’ll talk through it together. Confidential, non-judgmental and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress. We also support family, friends and caregivers of people in crisis. Child Abuse Hotline (Child & Family Services) – 1-800-347-KIDS (5437).

Africa Centre Mental Health Clinic

Africa Centre is pleased to partner with Alberta Black Therapists Network to bring free counselling from various licensed therapists. These services provide formal, one-hour, one-to-one counselling sessions in the form of short-term intervention utilizing solution-focused therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. Sessions are available online or in-person, pending COVID-19 recommendations.
Email: OR Phone: 1-833-381-1242.

Access 24 / 7

Access 24 / 7 provides a range of urgent and non-urgent addiction and mental health services including service navigation, screening, assessment, referral, consultation, crisis intervention, outreach and short-term stabilization. Phone: 780-424-2424
Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line: Phone 1-877-303-2642 (toll-free). Available 24 / 7.



COVID-19 and Pregnancy 

Dr. Lynora Saxinger – COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy
Dr. Sue Chandra – Why COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe During Pregnancy
Dr. Erin Bader – How the COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Mother and Baby
Dr. Mattatall – Answering Questions on COVID-19 & Pregnancy