A Citizenship Preparatory Session was held on January 10, 2018 at AHC. The session was attended by a diverse group of participants eligible for Canadian Citizenship. The session was facilitated by the two Settlement Practitioners, Javaid Hayat and Nebiyluel. The facilitators covered several topics related to Canadian Citizenship ranging from eligibility, language requirements, and citizenship test information followed by a group activity and questions & answer session. View an image and a testimony from a participant below.

Testimony from a participant:

“Good Evening Mr. Javaid, I would like, by this note, to say a BIG THANKS to Action for Healthy Communities. In fact, through your Citizenship Preparatory Session on January 13th 2018, I passed my citizenship test easily with the mark of 20/20 (100%). Big Thank you to Mr. Javaid Hayat, Nebiy, Joelle Kacou who made every effort to help me succeed to this citizenship test.” – Gnui Kavao Pascal

“Bonsoir Mr. Javaid, Je voudrais par ce message dire un Grand merci a Action for Healthy Communities. En effet grace votre programme d information du Samedi 13 Janvier  2018<< comment reussir son test de citoynnete>>, j ai passe haut les mains mon test de citoynnete avec la note de 20/20. Grand merci a Mr Javaid Haya et a Joelle Kacou  qui n ont menage aucun effort pour ma reussite au test de citoynnete.” -Gnui Kavao Pascal