On Sunday March 27 2022, Action for Healthy Communities was honored to enter into a partnership with Penny Appeal Canada that saw the latter, in collaboration with the Muslim Association of St. Albert (MASA), provide Ramadan food hampers of essential edibles to needy and deserving low income families, at the heels of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The clients were assessed by AHC for eligibility and 64 families identified by AHC benefited from the Campaign. Over 90% of the serviced clientele were Afghan Newcomers who will be observing their first month of fasting in a new land.
The generosity of the Muslim Association of St. Albert (MASA) and Penny Appeal Canada, who each contributed 50% towards the costs associated with putting together and distributing the food hampers was well received with much gratitude and ample prayers.
Samiullah, the patriarch of a family of 9, states that the contents of the hamper were not only delivered with dignity, but with a relief of a lower grocery bill as the family observes its first Ramadan in a new land and amid national inflation.
A widowed single mother of a toddler, R.Z, was overwhelmed as she received the respectfully packaged contents of multiple balanced meals, consisting of meat, dairy, grains, cereals, and protein alternatives. Amid tears, she prayed for ease for those who had brought her comfort and nutrition she would otherwise not have had the means to purchase.
AHC is proud of its partnership with Penny Appeal Canada for individuals and families’ assessment and recruitment process. AHC looks forward to continuing this collaboration in the future. AHC also wishes to thank the volunteers retained by Penny Appeal Canada who personally delivered the hampers to the clients whose residences sprawled the entirety of Edmonton.